Because We Love You
Grief's Prayer
Strength for Today
Sweet Memories
A Prayer for You
I can also include "In Memory of..." to personalize these plaques if desired.
The following are examples of the 5x5 plaques. Poems available for this size include both religious and sweet sentiment plaques for mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, friend. (At present I am working on poems for husband, wife, son, daughter as well.)
Wholesale cost for these plaques: $10 for 7x7; $7 for 5x5 plus shipping and KY sales tax. (KY re-sellers that provide their exempt forms will not be charged sales tax.)
*Plaques can be made in colors of choice.
New! "In Memory" sets: 2 5x5 plaques. Set includes one "in memory" poem plaque and one photo plaque. $14/set plus shipping.
Ordering/Contact Info: email me at or see "pricing/ordering/contact info" post from May 2012.
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