Saturday, August 4, 2012


After making the Breast Cancer patient and CHD family plaques, I felt that this plaque should be made available to others with chronic conditions. I hope these will be a measure of encouragement and strength. Below is a list of medical Awareness diagnoses and the colors that represent them. My "Peace Through the Journey" prayer will be the standard writing used on all of these unless you request a different writing of mine you'd like used in its place.

Listing of available awareness plaques and colors:

1. Breast Cancer (light pink or hot pink)
2. Congenital Heart Defect ( ½ blue; ½ red)
3. Autism (blocks of a variety of colors to symbolize a jigsaw puzzle)
4. Leukemia, Kidney Cancer (orange)
5. Bladder/Liver Cancer (yellow)
6. Stroke/Heart Disease (red)
7. Organ Donation/Transplants (green)
8. Colon Cancer (blue)
9. Alzheimer’s, Cancer Survivor, Crohn’s, Lupus, Epilepsy (purple)
10. Diabetes, Bone Cancer (white)
11. Melanoma, Sleep Disorders (black)
12. Lymphoma, MD (lime green)
13. PTSD, Tourette’s, GYN Cancers, Substance Abuse (teal)
14. Addiction recoveries (turquois)
15. Brain Aneurysm, Childhood rare or undiagnosed conditions (maroon/burgundy)
16. Eating Disorders (periwinkle)
17. Spinal Cord Disorders (cream)
18. Childhood Cancer (gold)
19. Children with Physical or Learning Disabilities (silver)
20. Traumatic Brain Injury (yellow/black)

(Scroll down to see the breast cancer and CHD plaque to read the prayer)
**Contact me by email at if you'd like to order one of these plaques or if you have any questions or special requests.