While at the Sweet Corn Festival this past weekend as a vendor, we soon realized what God was doing. He was providing us a mission trip 30 miles from home.These words were from Him, through me, for others. There were many smiles and happy reasons why folks would stop, read, and sometimes buy to keep. There were also many challenging situations that caused folks to stop, read...and sometimes weep. They were in need, and their stories touched my heart in ways I will not soon forget. And I cannot make others feel what we felt that day. That was simply God's gift to us in that moment. It was, in fact, Church. Believers sharing together, laughing together, sometimes crying together, encouraging one another and giving praise to the One and Only. New friends in Christ were made.
These plaques aren't for everyone. That was apparent by the many who briefly cast a glance our direction and kept walking. That's Ok. God knows who needs them. My prayer has always been, "Lord, bring the people that need these prayers, these words, this hope, this comfort, this peace, this smile that can only come from YOU."
It never ceases to amaze me about the power of prayer. I had one family that stopped by and read Peace Through the Journey. That was my festival special for the day. The pink breast cancer patient plaques. After some discussion I offered to make this in a different color if they wanted me to. As it turned out, a year old little boy in the family was currently hospitalized with Congenital Heart Disease. The colors for CHD are red and blue. So, we agreed to make them a plaque that was half blue, half red with Peace Through the Journey on it. I am honored. I am humbled. And I am thanking God for the opportunity to share a word of comfort to this family...
We had the opportunity to share this same prayer plaque with another family whose baby girl was struggling from issues related to being born several weeks prematurely. And another opportunity arose to share it with a family whose little boy is fighting Leukemia...
I am still reliving these moments. This is my mission field at present. I thank God for it and I'm looking forward to the next opportunity! I will be sitting at a booth with the KY Connections group selling the breast cancer plaques at our town's twilight festival next weekend...praying for the ones who need this word of hope.
*For a full listing of available plaques and contact/ordering info, see May 2012 post or simply scroll down this page. LCain43@windstream.net